Ambu Bag Silicon


Silicon AMBU BAG Respiratory Exerciser (Pack of 1) A resuscitator is a device using positive pressure to inflate the lungs of an unconscious person who is not breathing, in order to keep them oxygenated and alive..

Price range

Between 250,000 Ugx to 500,000 Ugx

*Kindly note the prices above are estimates and NOT exact. They will help you to plan a budget. Prices are affected by factors like Size, Availability, Quality of Material, Brand, Make, Forex Rates.

Product information

China, India
Infant, Pediatric, Adult
Silicon AMBU BAG Respiratory Exerciser (Pack of 1) A resuscitator is a device using positive pressure to inflate the lungs of an unconscious person who is not breathing, in order to keep them oxygenated and alive..