Baby Weighing Scale


A baby weighing scale is used to weigh the new-born to give their birth-weight. The baby is then continuously weighed and monitored throughout their growth to ensure that weight changes are within the norm. This is all recorded in their personal child health record

Price range

Between 300,000 Ugx to 3,500,000 Ugx

*Kindly note the prices above are estimates and NOT exact. They will help you to plan a budget. Prices are affected by factors like Size, Availability, Quality of Material, Brand, Make, Forex Rates.

Product information

China, India, UK
Pan Type Electric, Hanging Analogue
A baby weighing scale is used to weigh the new-born to give their birth-weight. The baby is then continuously weighed and monitored throughout their growth to ensure that weight changes are within the norm. This is all recorded in their personal child health record