Blood Bank Refrigerator


The blood bank refrigerator is an essential piece of equipment in the immunohematology department and provides safe and convenient storage of whole blood, blood components (e.g., blood cells, plasma), and reagents. Blood bank refrigerators ensure freshness and integrity of blood and blood components.

Price range

Between 7,000,000 Ugx to 90,000,000 Ugx Plus

*Kindly note the prices above are estimates and NOT exact. They will help you to plan a budget. Prices are affected by factors like Size, Availability, Quality of Material, Brand, Make, Forex Rates.

Product information

China, India, France, USA
94L, 352L, 523L, 628L, 1381L
The blood bank refrigerator is an essential piece of equipment in the immunohematology department and provides safe and convenient storage of whole blood, blood components (e.g., blood cells, plasma), and reagents. Blood bank refrigerators ensure freshness and integrity of blood and blood components.