Infusion Pump


Infusion pumps may be capable of delivering fluids in large or small amounts, and may be used to deliver nutrients or medications – such as insulin or other hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and pain relievers. Some infusion pumps are designed mainly for stationary use at a patient’s bedside

Price range

Between 2,500,000 Ugx to 7,500,000 Ugx

*Kindly note the prices above are estimates and NOT exact. They will help you to plan a budget. Prices are affected by factors like Size, Availability, Quality of Material, Brand, Make, Forex Rates.

Product information

*Not available *
*Not available *
Infusion pumps may be capable of delivering fluids in large or small amounts, and may be used to deliver nutrients or medications – such as insulin or other hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and pain relievers. Some infusion pumps are designed mainly for stationary use at a patient’s bedside