X – Ray Machine Portable


Portable X-ray has been an useful tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients in the intensive care units, in nursing homes, in prisons, or in shelters for the homeless, where transfer to the hospital radiology department may be an obstacle

Price range

Between 50,000,000 Ugx to 200,000,000 Ugx Plus

*Kindly note the prices above are estimates and NOT exact. They will help you to plan a budget. Prices are affected by factors like Size, Availability, Quality of Material, Brand, Make, Forex Rates.

Product information

China, India, UK, Egypt, Korea
100Ma, 300Ma, 500Ma
Portable X-ray has been an useful tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients in the intensive care units, in nursing homes, in prisons, or in shelters for the homeless, where transfer to the hospital radiology department may be an obstacle